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PR Center

Air Traffic Statistics

Incheon International Airport Statistics

Incheon International Airport's performance only(Arrival and departure are based on Incheon International Airport.)

Performance by terminal can only be retrieved by passenger flight service and passenger performance

Monthly statistics are updated after five days of the following month's first business day (excl. weekends and holidays).

(unit: line, person, ton)

요일별 통계에 대한 안내 표입니다.
Day of the week Flight Passengers Cargo
Arrival Departure Total Arrival Departure Total Arrival Departure Total
Monday 2,317 2,293 4,610 434,019 406,959 840,978 13,921 12,733 26,654
Tuesday 2,313 2,254 4,567 397,073 360,998 758,071 13,736 13,976 27,712
Wednesday 2,363 2,447 4,810 402,120 394,003 796,123 16,043 17,312 33,355
Thursday 2,923 2,925 5,848 510,923 489,628 1,000,551 20,153 20,662 40,815
Friday 2,994 2,954 5,948 538,443 505,164 1,043,607 19,817 19,172 38,989
Saturday 2,939 2,978 5,917 547,013 510,355 1,057,368 20,756 20,309 41,065
Sunday 2,330 2,321 4,651 457,856 416,924 874,780 15,521 14,704 30,225
Total 18,179 18,172 36,351 3,287,447 3,084,031 6,371,478 119,948 118,867 238,816
YoY +16.3%
For inquiries posted on the website, contact us using the following information.
  • Department : Airport Research Center
  • TEL : 032-741-2093